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Invitation to

Petroleum-Gas University of Ploieşti

The Centre for Studies and Legal and Socio-Administrative Research


The Romanian Association for Law and European Affairs (ARDAE)


The International Conference

“The Constitution and the Contemporary Society”

Date:  December 5th 2014

Location: Petroleum-Gas University of Ploieşti, room AP10

Deadline to enter the conference: November 15th 2014. Registration can be done at the e-mail address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. in conformity with the application form.

The organizers do not charge an entry fee.

All conference papers will be published in the collective volume (with ISBN) of the conference, edited by Editura Universitară – a publisher of recognized prestige. After publication, the volume can be purchased for a fee from Editura Universitară.

The languages ​​for the conference papers will be Romanian and English. The papers will be written in Romanian and English and will follow the drafting rules set out by the organizers.

Contact person: Lecturer Mihai Cristian Apostolache, PhD: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Media Partner:

Last Updated on Thursday, 27 November 2014 11:14

Conference programme

9.30-10.00 – Registering the participants

10.00-10.15- Opening Speech: Professor Lazăr Cornel- vice-rector UPG, chairman of the scientific committee; Professor Verginia Vedinaş-University of  Bucharest, chairman of the Institute for Administrative Sciences “Paul Negulescu” in Sibiu; Professor Daniel Mihail Şandru- chairman of the Association for Law and European Affairs (ARDAE), Scientific Researcher gr. II – coordinator, the Centre for European Law Studies, the Institute for Judicial Researches, the Romanian Academy; guests from abroad.

10.15-12.30- Communications and debates session

12.30-13.15- Break

13.15-15.30- Communications and debates

15.30-15.45- Break

15.45-17.00- Debates. Conclusions


17.15-19.15-Communication and debates

19.15-20.00- Conclusions

Last Updated on Thursday, 27 November 2014 11:15

Papers presented at conference

Professor Verginia Vedinaş, PhD, University of Bucharest

“Constitutionalitatea comportamentului personalului din administraţiia publică” / “The Constitutionality of the Behaviour of the Personnel from Public Administration”

Associate Professor Aurelian Lavric, PhD, Moldova State University 

“Prevederea constituţională privind alegerea Preşedintelui RM – generatoare a insecurităţii politice” / “Constitutional Provision on the Election of the President of Moldova – generator of political insecurity”

 Professor Nicoleta Diaconu, PhD, “Spiru Haret” University, Bucharest

“Fundamentarea priorităţii normelor juridice internaţionale de protecţie a    drepturilor omului” / “Substantiating the Priority of International Legal Norms Protecting Human Rights” 

Lecturer Geanina Anemona Radu, PhD, “Al. I. Cuza” Police Academy

 “Imunitatea juridică vs. Egalitatea în faţa legii” / “Legal Immunity vs. Equality Before the Law”

Lecturer Marcela Monica Stoica, PhD, “Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University, Bucharest

“Implicaţiile legislaţiei electorale postdecembriste în consolidarea democraţiei constituţionale româneşti” / “The Implications of the Post-revolutionary Electoral Legislation in the Consolidation of the Romanian Constitutional Democracy”

Assist. univ. Luciana Bezeriţă(Tomescu), PhD, “Athenaeum” University of Bucharest

 “Consideraţii privind Decizia Curţii Constituţionale nr. 462/2014 de admitere a excepţiei de neconstituţionalitate a unor dispoziţii din Noul Cod de procedură civilă în raport cu liberul acces la justiţie” / “Considerations on the Constitutional Court Decision no. 462/2014 admitting the objection of unconstitutionality of certain provisions of the New Civil Procedure Code with regard to free access to justice”

Professor Constanţa Călinoiu, PhD, “Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University, Bucharest

“Un nou cadru epistemologic constituţional în context european” / “A New Constitutional Epistemological Framework in the European Context”

Associate professor Gabriela Vasilescu, PhD, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti

“Constituţia ateniană, premisă a statului modern”/ “The Athenian Constitution, a Premise of the Modern State”

 Maria Beatrice Berna, candidate PhD, “Titu Maiorescu” University of Bucharest

“Doctrina constituţională americană a dreptului la căutarea fericirii. Meditaţii filosofico-juridice” / “The American Constitutional Doctrine Concerning the Right to Pursue Happiness. Philosophical and Juridical Reflections”

Extraordinary Professor Zoran Jerotijevic, Union University Belgrade, Serbia

Associate Professor of Law Milan Palevic, University of Kragujevac, Serbia

“Renewed statehood of Serbia and Constitution of the Republic of Serbia since 2006”/ “Statalitatea reînnoită a Serbiei şi Constituţia Republicii Serbia din 2006”

Professor Gheorghe Calcan, PhD, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti

“Elementele cu iz nedemocratic şi autoritar ale Constituţiei României din anul 1938 – un sensibil mesaj de reflecţie pentru societatea contemporană” / “Elements of an Undemocratic and Authoritarian Hint of the Romanian Constitution from 1938 – a touching message of meditation for the contemporary society”

Lecturer Marius Andreescu, PhD, University of Pitesti/Court of Appeal Pitesti

“Stabilitate şi reformă constituţională - conţinutul normativ ale Constituţei” / “Stability and constitutional reform normative contents of Constitution”

Associate Professor Silviu Gabriel Barbu, PhD – Judge, 

LLM Goga Alexandru Silviu Lawyer, Braşov Bar

“Scurte consideraţii privind principiile de drept penal şi corespondentul lor constituţional” / “Short Considerations on the Criminal Law Principles and Their Constitutional Counterpart”

Associate Professor Dumitru Adrian Crăciunescu, PhD, “Eftimie Murgu” University of Reşiţa

“Principiile drepturilor fundamentale ale omului” / “Fundamental Human Rights Principles”

Associate Professor Emilian Ciongaru, PhD, Hyperion University, Bucharest

“Exercitarea abuzului de drept în dreptul constituţional” / “Exercise of Abuse of Law in Constitutional Law”

Lecturer Valentin-Stelian Bădescu, PhD, University of South-East Europe LUMINA, Bucharest

“Curtea Constituţională a României între tradiţie şi reformă” / “The Constitutional Court of Romania Between Tradition and Reform”

Professor Alexander B. Djuric, PhD, The Ministry of Justice – Advisor, Belgrade, Serbia

Entitled to trial within a reasonable time and the right to a fair trial” / “Dreptul de a fi judecat într-un termen rezonabil şi dreptul la un proces echitabil”

Associate Professor Aurel Sîmboteanu, PhD, Moldova State University

“Reforma administraţiei publice în Republica Moldova din perspectiva acordului de asociere cu Uniunea Europeană”/”Public administration reform in Moldova from the perpective of the Association Agreement with the European Union”

Dusan Jerotijevic, Candidate PhD, University of Kragujevac, Serbia

Expression of the National Unity of the President of the Republic of Serbia in Contemporary Serbian Constitution” / “Expresia unităţii naţionale a Preşedintelui Republicii Serbia în Constituţia sârbă contemporană”

Marta Dedaj, PhD, Docent, College of Professional Studies for educators and business informatics-Sirmiuum (Sremska Mitrovica), Serbia

Gorica Jerotijevic, PhD, pre-schools “Pearls” Trstenik

“The Violence in Educational Institutions and The rights of the Child” / “Violenţa în instituţiile de învăţământ şi drepturile copilului”

Lecturer Eufemia Vieriu, PhD, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti

“Consideraţii generale privind Constituţia României din 29 martie 1923” / “General Considerations on the Constitution of Romania from 29 March 1923”

Lecturer Cătălina Szekely, PhD, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti

“Rolul Curţii Constituţionale în raport cu alte autorităţi publice” / “The Role of the Constitutional Court in relation with Other Public Authorities”

Lecturer Mihaela Adina Apostolache, PhD, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti

“Aspecte privind cetăţenia în dreptul intern şi dreptul internaţional” / “Aspects regarding Citizenship in national law and international law”

Lecturer Mihai Cristian Apostolache, PhD, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti

“Critici de neconstituţionalitate asupra Ordonanţei de Urgenţă a Guvernului nr. 55/2014 pentru reglementarea unor măsuri în domeniul administraţiei publice locale”/ “Critics of unconstitutionality of Government Emergency Ordinance no. 55/2014 regulating measures in local public administration

Dumitru Vieriu, PhD, lawyer at the Bucharest Bar

“Consideraţii generale privind Constituţia României din 1948” / “General considerations on the Constitution of Romania from 1948”

Gabriela Nicoleta Chihaia, Candidate PhD, “Nicolae Titulescu” University, Bucharest

“Consideraţii privind limitările constituţionale ale libertăţii persoanei” / “Considerations on the Constitutional Limitations Regarding Individual Freedom”

Associate Professor Mircea Tutunaru, PhD, “Titu Maiorescu” University of Bucharest, Faculty of Law and Economic Sciences Târgu-Jiu

“Unele consideraţii cu privire la legalitate, legitimitate şi conceptul de sistem constituţional în coordonatele actuale ale dreptului” / “Some Considerations Regarding the Legality, Legitimacy and the Concept of Constitutional System in the Current Coordinates of the Right”

Oana Nicoleta Retea, Candidate PhD, University of Craiova

“Repere istorice şi actuale în societatea contemporană cu privire la nume” / “Historical and Present References in Contemporary Society regarding the Name”

Ovidiu Joiţa, Candidate PhD, “Titu Maiorescu” University, Bucharest

“Consideraţii asupra unor efecte ale reglementărilor din dreptul european al energiei asupra regimului juridic al bunurilor din domeniul public din România” / “Considerations on Certain Effects of Regulations in Energy European Law on the Legal Regime of Public Property in Romania”

Associate Profesor Teodor Narcis Godeanu, PhD

Garanţiile constituţionale ale dreptului la muncă” / “Constitutional Guarantees of the Right to Work”

Cristina Pigui, PhD, Court of Appeal Ploiesti

Security Council (SC) Resolutions and their relevance in European Union (EU) Legal Order” / “Rezoluţiile Consiliului de Securitate (CS) şi relevanţa lor în ordinea de drept a Uniunii Europeană (EU)”

Adrian Ghiculescu, Candidate PhD, Court of Appeal Ploieşti

“European Union as a full UN membership, a consequence of the Chapter VII of UN Charter” / “Uniunea Europeană ca membru cu drepturi depline al ONU, o consecinţă a capitolului VII din Carta ONU”

Lecturer Eugenia Gugulan, Candidate PhD, “Ştefan cel Mare” Academy from Moldova

“Controlul de stat în domeniul folosirii fondului cinegetic în Republica Moldova” / “State Control in the Use of Hunting in Moldova”

Professor Cornel Lazăr, PhD, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti

Associate Professor Mirela Lazăr, PhD, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti

“Consideraţii statistice asupra activităţii justiţiei în România, după 1990” / “Statistical Aspects Concerning Justice in Romania, after 1990”

Associate Professor Iurie Mihalache PhD, University of European Political and

Economic Studies “Constantin Stere”, Republic of Moldova

“Realizarea dreptului la desfăşurarea activităţii de întreprinzător în domeniul transportului rutier de persoane conform legislaţiei Republicii Moldova” / “The Right to Entrepreneurial Activity in the Field of Passenger Transportation under the Laws of the Republic of Moldova”

Ioan Laurenţiu Vedinaş, Candidate PhD, “Al. I. Cuza” Police Academy, Bucharest

“Garanţiile constituţionale ale ordinii şi liniştii publice şi siguranţei cetăţenilor” / “Constitutional Guarantees of Public Order and Safety of Citizens”

Andreea Ana-Maria Alexe, Candidate PhD, University of Craiova

 “Interesul naţional. Câteva consideraţii constituţionale” / “National Interest. Some Constitutional Considerations”

Assist.univ. Wedad Andrada Quffa, Candidate PhD, University of Bucharest

 “Condiţii de natură constituţională privind accesul la funcţii şi demnităţi publice” / “Constitutional Conditions Regarding Access to Public Functions and Dignities”

Maria-Magdalena Dorcioman, Candidate PhD, “Dinicu Golescu” National College, Câmpulung, Argeş

“Managementul carierei cadrelor didactice din Uniunea Europeană” / “Teacher Career Management in the EU”

Ira Sîli,  Candidate PhD, State University of Chişinău, Republic of Moldova

“Concepte şi categorii în drept ca instrumente ale calificării juridice – spre asigurarea aplicării  normelor constituţionale” / “Concepts and Categories of Law as Instruments of Juridical Qualification – for application of constitutional norms”

Lecturer Mădălina Elena Mihăilescu, PhD, “Dunărea de Jos” University Galaţi

“Valori fundamentale apărate de Constituţie şi deontologia medicală românească” / “Fundamental Values Protected by the Romanian Medical Ethics and Constitution”

Associate Professor Sebastian Chirimbu, PhD, Dept.of Research, Centre for European Studies UWR/ Spiru Haret University

"Observations on the legal language. Between exigency, clarity and exact translation" /" Observaţii asupra limbajului juridic. Între exigenţă, claritate şi traducere fidelă"

Assist.univ. Diana Deaconu-Dascălu, PhD, “Titu Maiorescu” University, Faculty of Law Târgu-Jiu

“Cesiunea de contract - expresie a libertăţii contractuale în dreptul comparat” / “The Assignment of Contract - an expression of contractual freedom in the comparative law”

Iosif Friedmann-Nicolescu, PhD, Associate scientific researcher, Institute of Judicial Researches «Academician Andrei RĂDULESCU» of the Romanian Academy

 “Societatea şi ordinea constituţională” / “Society and Constitutional Order”

Lecturer Mihaela Cristina Paul, PhD, “Titu Maiorescu” University, Bucharest

“Categorii de debitori cărora li se aplică procedura generală” / “Categories of Debtors for which the General Procedure Is Applied”

Valentina Pidhirna, PhD. in Economics, Ukraine

“Position of Ukraine in the International Economy” / “Poziţia Ucrainei în economia internaţională

Ioniţa Cochinţu, PhD, Assistant magistrate at the Romanian Constitutional Court

“Controlul constituţionalităţii hotărârilor puterii legislative – atribuţie şi competenţă a instanţei de contencios constituţional” / “The Control of Constitutionality of Legislative Power Decisions - task and competence of the constitutional court”

Aurora Damcali, Candidate PhD

“Constituţionalitatea actelor administraţiei publice”/”Constitutionality of acts of  public administration”

Lecturer Adina Barbu-Chirimbu, PhD, Dept. of Specialized Languages, Spiru Haret University

Associate Professor Sebastian Chirimbu, PhD, Dept.of Research, Centre for European Studies UWR/ Spiru Haret University

 "Magna Carta and its semnificance for British Civilization: the Great Charter of Liberties"/ "Magna Carta şi semnificaţia acesteia pentru civilizaţia britanică sau Marea Cartă a Libertăţilor"

Last Updated on Thursday, 27 November 2014 11:24


Scientific Committee:


Professor Verginia Vedinaş, PhD, University of Bucharest

Vice presidents:

Professor Daniel Mihail Şandru, PhD, “Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University, Bucharest

Professor Constanţa Călinoiu, PhD, “Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University, Bucharest

Professor Nicoleta Diaconu, PhD, “Alexandru I. Cuza” Police Academy


Professor Atanas Semov, PhD, Bulgaria

Professor Alexander B. Djuric, PhD, Serbia

Extraordinary Professor Zoran Jerotijevic, PhD, Serbia

Professor Serghei Hakman, PhD, Ukraine

Professor Nicolae Osmochescu, PhD, Republic of Moldova

Associate Professor Maria Orlov, PhD, Republic of Moldova

Associate Professor Aurel Sîmboteanu, PhD, Republic of Moldova

Professor Lazăr Cornel, PhD, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploieşti

Professor Gheorghe Calcan, PhD, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploieşti

Associate Professor Gabriela Vasilescu, PhD, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploieşti

Judge Adrian Ghiculescu, PhD, Court of Appeal Ploieşti

Judge Cristina Pigui, PhD, Court of Appeal Ploieşti

Andrei Săvescu, Ph.D, Romanian-American University of Bucharest

Organization Committee:

Professor Lazăr Cornel, PhD

Associate Professor Adrian Stancu, PhD

Lecturer Mihaela Adina Apostolache, PhD

Lecturer Eufemia Vieriu, PhD

Lecturer Mihai Cristian Apostolache, PhD

Lecturer Cătălina Szekely, PhD

Vasile Muscalu, PhD

Last Updated on Thursday, 27 November 2014 11:10

Application form

Application form for the International Conference “The Constitution and the Contemporary Society”

  1. Name:
  2. Institution:
  3. Scientific title/Didactic degree:
  4. Title of the paper in Romanian/English٭:
  5. Contact data:

The Form shall be sent to the address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

٭The topic of the paper must be within the conference theme. The paper will be written in Romanian and English.

Last Updated on Thursday, 27 November 2014 11:17

Drafting Requirements

Minimum Drafting Requirements: Print Format of Scientific Paper: Word, font size 12, line spacing 1, font Times New Roman; page size: format A4; page margins – top, bottom, right – 2 cm, left- 2,5 cm. The work must have summary, key words, introduction, sections, conclusions, bibliography. The work should not exceed 8 pages.

According to the decision of the Scientific Committee, a participant may enter only one scientific paper as sole author or coauthor.

Last Updated on Thursday, 27 November 2014 11:17